Political Arena

Support for Direct Elections will continue to be a litmus test

By John Biver

Earlier this year Illinois Republican Party chairman Andy McKenna’s pronounced that there would be no litmus tests for Republican candidates in 2010. As usual, poor Andy was exactly wrong. In fact, one big litmus test has been added in 2009: whether or not a person supports voting rights for rank and file Illinois Republicans.

After all, the Republican failures we’ve seen in Illinois have been Party failures first. Any candidate aligning themselves with the old guard failed McKenna bunch by opposingSB600 has picked the wrong side. And as the field of Republican candidates for governor gets fatter, it will nevertheless remain easy for GOP voters to distinguish between those who get it and those who don’t when it comes to the need for new Party leadership.

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The Hastert cabal seeks to capitalize again on the dilapidated IL GOP

By John Biver

In a series of emails among those on the Western Kane County Republican Organization email list yesterday an exchange took place about the prospective 14th congressional district candidacy ofEthan Hastert, the son of former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

During the next few months, the various candidates stepping up to run against Democrat Bill Foster will be vetted. Some of that work will be done by what remains of the local GOP organizations after years of neglect by lazy and uninspired leadership.

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A conversation with a twenty-something American (Part 3)

By John Biver

It’s not fun having to deal with the reality that is the current American political system. One smart and successful young woman recently took me to task for my columns advocating for more participation – suggesting that there has to be a better way. She implied that most clear-thinking people want nothing to do with the rot that is today’s political process. Parts 1 and 2 of this series are found here and here.

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A conversation with a twenty-something American (Part 2)

By John Biver

A smart and successful young person recently challenged some of my writing in an email. Part 1 is here. To continue, her email went on to say the following about her aversion to party politics:

“I can’t speak for others but I have two major reasons for not wanting to get involved in established political organizations. One is that they are either too large or too incestuous to get anything done. And second, those individuals that I’ve seen enter with great messages and great intentions wind up getting spit out a polished but limp version of what they entered as.

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GOP 101: Taking it to the streets – the left gets it, the right doesn’t

By John Biver

But I also know a good number of pretenders. “Bloggers,” fake “journalists,” people whose names appear on letterhead as the ‘executive director’ of this or the ‘president’ of that. For twenty-five years the political right has excelled at forming independent organizations and the end result of all that self important printed stationary is that the Democrats run things in most of the country.

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GOP 101: Tapping into “that something different” in the American fabric

By John Biver

Here’s an excerpt from a note I received just yesterday:

“Most of us cannot stomach politics. We’re watching what appears to be the rapid disembowelment of our country – and it’s not easy to stay ‘checked in’ to it all. I’m not surprised that others are staying checked out. Not that I don’t care anymore but it’s all just too horrible to watch without a game plan of some sort. People are busy with their lives but need to get involved. But what’s the plan?

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Mark Kirk should stay put, switch parties, or retire

Mark Kirk should stay put, switch parties, or retire

By John Biver

The big media pundits – flying along up there at 30,000 feet like I mentioned here – continue to think Mark Kirk is the go-to guy for Republicans in Illinois when it comes to the U.S. Senate seat.

This is terribly ironic since Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Arlen Spector, who in many ways has a more “Republican” voting record than Mark Kirk, just jumped ship and is now a Democrat. The geniuses who run things at the National Republican Senatorial Committee evidently don’t learn. The NRSC’s Sen. John Cornyn talks up Kirk’s candidacy even as he and his fellow Republican senators bash their old pal Arlen.

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Mayday, Mayday, Mayday

By John Biver

The incompetence of the Republicans we’ve elected here in Illinois and nationally has brought us to where we are today. Illinois is controlled by people whose failure doesn’t make a difference on election day. Nationally, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid trifecta will soon be joined by a U.S. Supreme Court that is about to lurch way-left.

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GOP Communication Failure and the Power of a Volunteer Political Army

By John Biver

Nutty (to put it mildly) socialist playwright George Bernard Shaw was wrong about a lot of things, but in this quote widely attributed to him, he was right:

“The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.”

Republican Party and Republican public officials are stuck in ignorance when it comes to how to move public opinion. The gigantic irony of that, of course, is that shaping public sentiment is their chief task (see here andhere).

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Wimpy conservatives need to toughen up for the fight

By John Biver

I wish I didn’t have to report the following but I have to. Evidence for what works best in public policy doesn’t necessarily carry the day. Our political opponents are very committed to the delusion that socialism and the advancement of radical left-wing social policy will bring a better life for all.

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After the Tea Parties, it’s time for conservatives to take over the GOP

By John Biver

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been on TV a lot lately both commenting on President Obama’s blunders and promoting the Tea Parties taking place all over the country on April 15th. Newt is eminently quotable – and here is one of my favorites from him:

“On the really big things it is repetition that matters. I think our leadership has to get back in the habit of understanding that if you truly want to have a dialog with America, with over 300 million Americans, you have to pick a handful of big ideas, you have to talk about them endlessly, and gradually, over time, you’ll build an echo effect and a resonance and the country will learn and you’ll have a genuine dialog.”

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The 24% Illinois Republican Party (Part 2)

By John Biver

Yesterday I noted 5th congressional district Rosanna Pulido’s 24% showing in the special election to fill the seat vacated by Rahm Emmanuel. That result only surprised a few dreamers.

The path to victory for Republican Party platform principles in Illinois is through the construction of ward, township, and county GOP organizations that are doing their part. We need committed people serious about having a presence in the community. We need the active recruitment of candidates, participation in the local public debate, and constant activity that reaches voters at the neighborhood level.

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