The Democrats’ Playbook Will Endure Forever

Robert Curry writes about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the new film about him (for emphasis I bolded a passage — and the trailer is embedded below):

In conversation with a friend of a friend at a party on Saturday, I recommended the new Clarence Thomas movie, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. When I mentioned Thomas’s name, he shuddered and called him “that terrible man.” The truth is that Justice Thomas is a great man with an inspiring life story. By the way, I urge you to go see the movie. You will be inspired. But you had better hurry; it may not be around long, because few people have even heard about it. The media are not eager for you to see it, and no wonder.

Back to my friend’s friend: Isn’t it amazing how effective the Democrats and the news media (but I repeat myself) are when they gang up on someone? Thomas called what they did to him “a high-tech lynching.” So effective was the campaign against Thomas that even now, after all these years, the mention of his name can cause a conditioned negative reaction in an intelligent and accomplished man. A few questions made it clear that he knew nothing of what Justice Thomas had done on the Court; what he knew was what Anita Hill, with the aid of the Democrats and the media, had told him about Thomas.

As you know, they used the same technique on Brett Kavanaugh, and you can be sure they’ll use it again. It is, after all, one of their favorites.

Another favorite technique gains increased power by including swamp creatures from the Deep State. They’ve been using it on President Trump for some time now, and you can understand why: it worked so well for them with Nixon.

Read more: American Thinker