The House vs. Donald Trump

John Dietrich at American Thinker nicely sums up how ineffective Republicans are in the U.S. House:

In January 2019 the newly elected House of Representatives will begin its work. The Democrats will demonstrate what a legislative branch is capable of doing even though it is in control of only one house of the legislature. Adam Schiff will chair the House Intelligence Committee, Jerrold Nadler will chair the House Judiciary Committee, Maxine Waters will be the chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee, and Elijah Cummings will be in control of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. They will be united in one task: destroy President Trump.

Rep. Adam Schiff claims that he will be doing a ‘deep dive’ into Saudi Arabia’s dealings with the President. He claims, “There are a whole set of potential financial conflicts of interest and emoluments problems that Congress will need to get to the bottom of.” There is quite possibly a connection here with the CIA’s claim that they have information on Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. Multiple outlets have reported that the CIA concluded “with high confidence” that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing. On the question of whether the crown prince knew in advance about the slaying, Trump said: “Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” The Intelligence Committee will be looking into what U.S. intelligence services knew about Khashoggi’s death, as well as Trump’s response to it. Apparently, the President does not share the CIA’s “high confidence.”

The actions of the House under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership will illustrate how ineffective the leadership of the House was under Paul Ryan and his protégé Kevin McCarthy. The House Intel Committee under Chairman Devin Nunes was repeatedly stonewalled by the Department of Justice. Nunes was informed by the DoJ that the “basic investigatory documents demanded by the subpoenas… did not exist.” He reported, “As it turns out, not only did documents exist that were directly responsive to the committee’s subpoenas, but they involved senior DoJ and FBI officials who were swiftly reassigned when their roles in matters under the committee’s investigation were brought to light.” Nunes wrote Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, “Unfortunately, DoJ/FBI’s intransigence with respect to the August 24 subpoenas is part of a broader pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated.” But in fact DoJ’s behavior was met with more tolerance. Nunes reportedly instructed committee staff to begin drawing up a contempt of Congress resolution for Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray unless their demands were met. Without support of the House leadership, Nunes got nowhere.

Read more: American Thinker

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