By Jeffrey T. Brown:
President Trump is accused on a minute-by-minute basis of being a tyrant, but his accusers remain free. Nothing has been taken from them, not their property nor their personal liberty. Their rights remain intact in every respect. They can speak without fear of retribution. They can assemble without fear of arrest. They can say and do the most vile and corrupt things, knowing that because the president is not a tyrant, nothing will be done to them for their crusade to erode and destroy our current social and political systems.
While the president correctly identifies the propagandists in the leftist media as philosophical enemies of the people they work every day to conquer, he doesn’t announce any plans to unilaterally cancel or rescind their rights. He does not threaten to make their words and intentions illegal. He doesn’t threaten to trample the Bill of Rights because they hate him and the country he works to preserve and protect, often from them. He has never once hinted at criminalizing their political opposition, or their open warfare on the Constitution and every civil protection enjoyed by Americans who refuse to subscribe to despotism.
On the left, however, the seeds are being sown to create a police state in which the politically compliant and complicit will be safe, but the holdouts will be brutally punished. The New York Times, it has been revealed, is about to embark on their latest propaganda project, on the heels of their last foray into pervasive disinformation claiming the president was allied with Russia. Now, the lie will be rampant racism which, if it did exist, wouldn’t need the New York Times telling us about it.
Read more: American Thinker