Today, We Honor Our Nation’s Heroes

Today, We Honor Our Nation’s Heroes _ BarbWireBy Mathew Staver at

“This flag is presented by a grateful nation…”

Those are among the words spoken to the next of kin at the funeral of a fallen service man or woman as the United States flag is presented to them. This happens after the flag is ceremoniously removed from the veteran’s coffin and folded as Taps is played.

Watching a graveside service for a member of our armed forces is as an extremely moving experience for anyone – but how much more so for the family and friends of the fallen hero.

I will never forget the first military funeral I attended – and I’m sure I will be deeply moved by others that will follow. We lose scores of veterans every day, especially now, when those who remain of our brave World War II veterans are in their 80s and 90s.

Since the birth of our nation nearly 238 years ago, men and women have sacrificed their lives for our country to preserve the God-given liberties that are inscribed in our Constitution.

Memorial Day gives all of us an opportunity to honor America’s heroes, to recall their sacrifice and courage, and to respect the selflessness of their ultimate sacrifice. We owe them this respect and debt of gratitude.

I urge you to take time today to honor the memory and families of a veteran “lest they be forgotten.”

Also, please say a prayer for our active military personnel who are engaged in conflicts around the world or performing their assigned duties here at home.

Thank you.  God bless you, God bless America, and God bless our service men and women and their families!