Why Trump’s Maternity Leave Proposal Is Smart

Here are two views — one for, one against Trump’s maternity leave proposal — both posted at The Federalist:

Why Trump’s Maternity Leave Proposal Is Smart
Donald Trump has stolen a popular idea from the Democratic playbook. Yet conservatives should think twice before rejecting this challenge to the status quo
By Kyle Sammin.

At a campaign visit to Aston, Pennsylvania Tuesday, Donald Trump announced a new policy proposal on paid maternity leave for all American women. According to the Washington Post, Trump would have the federal government guarantee six weeks of paid leave to every new mother.

Trump’s declaration puts him at odds with conservative orthodoxy and many Republican Party leaders. As with his minimum wage proposal, he has stolen a popular idea from the Democratic playbook. In this case, however, conservatives should think twice before rejecting this challenge to the status quo.

Read more: The Federalist

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Trump Is Wrong: It’s Not Your Job To Pay For My Pregnancy
Under Donald Trump’s maternity leave and child-care proposal, parents are indisputably passing on the costs of their choice to have children to co-workers who don’t have children.
By Rebekah Curtis

For all that has been said about Trump’s bad manners, he showed himself a gentleman on Tuesday. He outed himself as a socialist after his supporter Phyllis Schlafly wasn’t around to see it.

News reports about Trump’s child-care plan cite Trump’s need to appeal to women voters, and maybe he will. If he does, though, he won’t be picking up conservative votes. He’ll be gaining populists who have bought into the soft socialism that has been working its way into the American mindset for over a century.

The bottom line is a simple question: whose job is it to pay for an individual’s choices? Because having a child is nearly always a choice.

Read more: The Federalist

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