This might sound familiar…from Robert J. Guenther:
No cure-all panacea explains the GOP’s loss this past Tuesday. The country is sharply divided, and a long battle for the hearts and minds of American citizens lay before conservatives. Post-election analysis already points to the public education system, European attitudes on citizenship, Hispanic outreach, and women’s issues outreach. In a close election, every vote counts. No battlefield can be ceded. This includes the culture wars.
Culture matters. It’s the fertile ground where political seeds are planted and votes harvested.
When ethnically-diverse, Hollywood actress Stacey Dash tweeted in favor of Mitt Romney last month, conservatives flocked to her defense as the left besieged her with ugly and vicious taunts. Yet she shouldn’t have had to endure this concentrated rage. The reason a moderately successful actress became the focal point of a pop culture backlash is because there aren’t enough conservative celebrities to disperse the hate.