Waking up the sleeping elephant: The untapped potential of the Republican Party

We all hear a lot of talk about a GOP rebirth – and about rebuilding the Illinois Republican Party. While the Democrats are dropping like a stone in public opinion polls, there is still much work to be done to make the “Grand Old Party” grand again.

What is the role of the party? At the local level, it should be where supporters of traditional values, limited government, and defense through strength policies gather to help spread the message, as well as recruit and elect good people to serve in offices at all levels of government.

Too often, unfortunately, the local GOP is merely a shell of what it can be. The result has been Democratic Party election victories.

To learn more about what the local GOP can be, we prepared the following series.

An Introduction: A political party in name only

1:  Looking for the missing political links since 1994

2:  Why a real Grand Old Party must be constructed

3:  Message and messengers

4:  A working political party

5:  Township, ward and county organizations (Part 1)

6:  Township, ward and county organizations (Part 2)

7:  Personnel makes all the difference

8:  Personnel – A variety of talents are needed

9:  Personnel – A housecleaning is in order

10: Defending the party platform

11: Local leadership is needed

12: Impacting local and regional public opinion

13. After the Tea Parties, it’s time for conservatives to take over the GOP

14: Tapping into “that something different” in the American fabric

15: Diagnosing the health of your local GOP organization

16: Taking it to the streets – the left gets it, the right doesn’t

17. Endorsements, and the role of the party & legislative campaign committees



An Introduction: A political party in name only

1:  Looking for the missing political links since 1994

2:  Why a real Grand Old Party must be constructed

3:  Message and messengers

4:  A working political party

5:  Township, ward and county organizations (Part 1)

6:  Township, ward and county organizations (Part 2)

7:  Personnel makes all the difference

8:  Personnel – A variety of talents are needed

9:  Personnel – A housecleaning is in order

10: Defending the party platform

11: Local leadership is needed

12: Impacting local and regional public opinion

13. After the Tea Parties, it’s time for conservatives to take over the GOP

14: Tapping into “that something different” in the American fabric

15: Diagnosing the health of your local GOP organization

16: Taking it to the streets – the left gets it, the right doesn’t

17. Endorsements, and the role of the party & legislative campaign committees




Our State GOP Platform – A Review



Illinois Republican Party 2008 Platform

A Review – Preamble and Commitments
A Review – Our Party’s Philosophy
A Review – Embrace of the Traditional Family & The First Freedom
A Review – The Economy & Immigration

A Review – Security, Public Safety, Energy and Transportation

A Review – Education, Limiting Govt, Health Care, and a call to action





Our National GOP Platform – In Brief



2008 Republican Party Platform

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Preamble & National Security

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – National Security
In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Reforming Government

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – the Economy

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Energy & the Environment

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Health Care

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Education

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Crime

In Brief: the 2008 GOP National Platform – Values




Other Resources:


The Republican National Committee


The Illinois Republican Party




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