Here is the second of two videos aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman. IFA’s Dave Smith is joined by northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards.
Here is Dave’s strong introduction to this important and informative discussion:
I really want our viewers and our listeners to understand that the state of Illinois is in the position that its in right now…because people of faith — conservative Christians are just not engaged the way they should be… If more of us were engaged things would look a lot different.
Dave emphasized that the problem isn’t just with our representation in Springfield, but in our delegation in Washington, D.C. as well.
The panel agreed that more conservatives can win in Illinois — but only if more believers step into the fray and help provide desperately needed leadership.
One of the best ways to help is to get involved in the political party which has the far superior platform — the Republican Party. Read the Republican and Democrat Platforms for yourself.
Please watch it, send it to like-minded people, and consider running for and/or helping to recruit candidates for GOP Precinct Committeeman. Illinois needs a troop surge of conservatives in Republican Party at all levels. That means you and me.
You can also listen to this discussion as a podcast:
While there is much to cause despair, the truth is that Christian conservatives can make a huge impact — especially when it comes to the workings of the GOP.
The Illinois Republican Party desperately needs the help and influence of Christian conservative activists throughout the state to help elected godly men and women to legislative positions at the local, state and national levels. Recruiting hundreds of volunteers to run for Precinct Committeeman throughout the state is crucial if we hope to build a stronger Republican Party and advance conservative values.
Read more about becoming a precinct committeeman HERE.
[Editor’s Note: Please understand, we are not aligning with the GOP establishment, which has been woefully inept and cowardly. Instead, we seek to encourage independent, conservative and courageous men and women to influence the local and state Republican Party and uphold traditional Judeo-Christian values by engaging in the political process.]
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