A few from the inbox on foreign policy and history. First up, foreign policy:
What Conservative Foreign Policy Looks Like: Neither John McCain nor Rand Paul get it right
The Futility of the Afghan Strategy
Mr. Netanyahu and the End of Days
The Perils of Liberal Moralism: On Syria and Thomas More
Hanson Baldwin on the World War II “Second Front Debate” and The Loss of Eastern Europe
Next, on history:
Here’s a three-part series by Diana West defending her new book “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character“:
Here’s a five part series based on that book:
Part 1: Why Did FDR Let the Philippines Collapse?
Part 2: Did FDR White House Send Uranium to the Stalin?
Part 4: Did Communist Influence Lead to D-Day Invasion Over Italy/Balkan Strategy?
Part 5: Did Uncle Sam Leave 15,000 to 20,000 GIs in Stalin’s Hands?