When will the whining end and the reforming begin?

From Scott Reeder at the Reeder Report:

I read this in a central Illinois newspaper the other day:

‘’’My wife and I planned carefully for retirement and left a sensible cushion,” said retiree John Kilgore, who taught English literature at Eastern Illinois University from 1978 to 2010. His wife, Dollie, was a nurse at the student health center, and both receive pension benefits through the state’s university retirement system. Kilgore said any pension reform adjustments to medical insurance or the pension’s COLA provisions ‘is more than our budget can stand.’”

A pensioner facing poverty?


Kilgore collects an annual pension of $91,692.

He retired two years ago at age 58.

He’s making more retired than most Illinoisans can ever expect to make working.

And those working Illinoisans are the ones being asked to pay for his pension.

Read the article…