Continuing on from yesterday’s topic, people say, “We need to focus on the economy.” We’ve been hearing that ever since Pat Buchanan gave this warning to the 1992 Republican National Convention:
…this election is about much more than who gets what. It is about who we are. It is about what we believe. It is about what we stand for as Americans. There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself.
Pat’s comments were dismissed and we were all lectured that no one cared about the social issues. “Hey you stupid social conservatives, it’s always all about the economy!” Well, as I’ve noted, you need to read Jeffrey Bell’s book “The Case for Polarized Politics: Why America Needs Social Conservatism” if you want the truth—the social issues are winning issues for Republicans.
There’s little question that the economy has been and will continue to be the main focus of a presidential election (even, these days, when foreign policy rears its necessary head). But what has all that economy-focused campaigning gotten us? During my lifetime Republicans have been miserable failures when it comes to restraining the growth of government.
Let me say that again: Republicans have been big fat failures when it comes to limiting the growth of government. For the past fifty years! So…all of that economy-focusing has gotten us what? Bloated governments at the local, state, and federal level. Massive debt at the local, state, and federal level. Way to go, team!
It’s no wonder the American public still isn’t impressed with the Republican Party.
Dr. Michael Brown’s book “A Queer Thing Happened to America” tells us what else we’ve reaped as a result of all that focusing on the economy—a culture war we had better not lose if we want to leave an America we can recognize to the next generation.
Dr. Brown spends almost 700 pages covering the issue—his book is a fantastic place to learn where we’re at and why—when it comes to the depraved homosexual agenda—topics like:
- The perversion of language.
- Gender confusion.
- Pop culture.
- A politicized psychology profession.
- Queer Theology (yes, can you believe it?!).
In chapter 3 Dr. Brown gets into the details of what the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) organizations are doing in the schools (see my last post for more info on GLSEN). He writes that their goal is to deconstruct the traditional family, and one tool is the use of “Terminology Game Cards”
which quiz students and teachers on terms such as Biological Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Role, Transgender, Gender Expression, Sexual Orientation, Heterosexism, Transphobia, Asexual, Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual, Intersexual, Andrognyny, Cross Dresser, Genderqueer, Gender Non-Conforming, Queer, LGBTQ, Sexual Reassignment Surgery, D/L (Down Low), MSM.
My favorite word on that list is “Transphobia.” Yes, we’re being accused of having a fear of those who suffer from the mental illness Gender Identity Disorder. It’s funny, actually, despite being pathetic.
My point in citing the above passage is simple. The “LGBTQQI…et al” community has locked arms, and that’s completely appropriate, because at the root of each malady represented by a letter is the disordering of the sexual impulse.
The homosexual “rights” agenda is about forcing society to accept this disordering as perfectly fine and ordered. Their work is to have what is a mental illness considered mentally healthy.
In chapter 13 titled “The Stifling of Scientific Debate,” Dr. Brown cites the inconvenient fact from a 2009 report that
Gays and lesbians get mental health treatment at twice the rate of heterosexuals, a new study concludes. The group least likely to seek treatment? Heterosexual men.
Homosexuals need psychiatric help because they’re picked on, right? No. Their problem exists in their conscience. Researchers have addressed this too:
…several cross-cultural studies suggest that this higher rate of psychological disturbance is in fact independent of a culture’s tolerance of—or hostility toward—homosexual behavior.
At the end of the book Dr. Michael Brown states that “it’s not too late to turn the tide,” and I couldn’t agree more. How can anyone be optimistic despite the queer thing that has happened to America? For me it’s simple. 1) Our side hasn’t really begun to fight. Once we begin, there can be a sufficient course correction. 2) Have you witnessed or seen the pictures of a homosexual “pride” parade? The idea that the GLBTQQI etc. crowd would hold a superior position in a fair and honest intellectual debate and that they can win the hearts and minds of normal people is as bizarre as watching one of those parades.
It’s a generational issue, they say. The kids don’t care. Well, the French kids haven’t yet learned about math so they recently voted en masse to put the socialists in power in France. You can’t make socialism work any more than you can maintain a civilized society when that society chooses to ignore common sense things like nature and gender.
The French kids will have to learn economics the hard way; and America kids, whose minds have been filled with cultural mush, will eventually have to learn about morality as well. Or they will suffer the consequences that every morally depraved culture has suffered throughout history.
Image credit: AskDrBrown.