Why America Is Headed Toward Bankruptcy In 13 Terrifying Quotes

An important list of quotes from John Hawkins:

Like Enron, Greece, and Donald Trump before us, America is about to go bankrupt. Unfortunately, our bankruptcy will probably be more Enron and less Donald Trump because we’re very unlikely to come back bigger and better in the lifetime of anyone reading this column. Instead, most Americans are probably going to experience skyrocketing taxes, spiraling inflation, widespread disorder, and a dramatically reduced standard of living. This isn’t a crisis that our great-grandchildren will have to figure out one day. To the contrary, it’s entirely possible it will occur within the next decade and unless we make big changes no one in DC is even seriously discussing right now, it’s more likely than not that it will transpire within the next 20 years.

America doesn’t have to go bankrupt and it wouldn’t if the American people were to rise up and demand serious action, but sadly, most Americans are too intimidated by the size and scope of the problem to demand major changes to the irresponsible way the government does business. Without the American people insisting that Congress move, the Republicans have shown that they’re not serious about dealing with the deficit and the Democrats remain so intent on increasing spending that they wouldn’t be behaving much differently if their goal was to create a debt-driven economic collapse.

Our nation’s future is slipping away right in front of us and that’s why it’s important for those of us who care about our nation’s future to point out quotes like these while we still have a short window of time where we can make a difference. Those of us who love this country need the American people to stand up, speak out, and force our government to behave responsibly before it’s too late.

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