From Robert Knight:
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
Maybe not. Mired in the worst recovery since the Great Depression, with unemployment near 8 percent, companies laying off workers over Obamacare, a $16 trillion debt and gasoline at double the 2008 price, America still re-elected Barack Obama.
Mitt Romney ran a single-issue campaign: the economy, stupid.
The missed opportunities were endless. After CNN’s Candy Crowley silenced him in the second debate over the attack in Benghazi, Libya, Mr. Romney declined to expose Mr. Obama’s shocking lies and transparent cover-up. He also declined to educate Americans about the administration’s brazen lawlessness, especially that of the Justice Department, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Labor Relations Board.
What about Supreme Court appointments? The Keystone XL pipeline? The numerous “czars” appointed without Senate approval? Obamacare? Mr. Obama’s flip-flop on marriage?