Winning the Media War

4. What are the weapons we can use?

Unlike Americans, Rosie the Riveter and the troops in WWII, we don’t have Hollywood and Main Stream Media cheering us on, but rather largely opposing us.

BUT…there are millions of patriots across this nation who, if they ALL wake up and work cohesively, could turn this ship of state around.

And a large part of our arsenal must be social media.

I have friends who are over 70 who now use Twitter and Facebook.

Social Media can be a myopic narcissistic waste of time OR it can be a valuable tool to reach exponential numbers of people.

I know not everyone will run out and create a Twitter account (if you do I have tutorials to share that will help you) or a Facebook account.

But I am willing to bet that each of you knows at least one person who reveres the Constitution and believes in Conservative values.

They may not vote, they may abhor politics. But you need to reach them.

Our opposition is not flagging nor faltering.

We need to get busy and work as though this were life or death, because it very well could be one day.

By the way…if you’re wondering how something like Twitter can help anything, let me give you a tiny example.

4 years ago I wanted to get out a special “Thank-You” to all the Vets and Troops. At the time I had about 15 thousand followers, and about 3 thousand of those were military.

I edited a video of Zell Miller quoting the famous Charles Province poem, “It Is the Soldier” and added it to a tweet thanking each troop and vet for their service.

It took over 100 tweets which I scheduled ever 5 minutes beginning early that morning.

I asked all of my 15K followers to please retweet. Not all did, but enough did, all of whom had between 500 and 50,000 followers.

On that day, the message was seen by hundreds of thousands of people.

And I’m just a little gal up in Oregon.

Another thing that social media does…when we sit in an airport and CNN is on every TV, when we channel surf and the broadcast channels are so biased…it’s easy to become discouraged.

The LEFT seems to be winning. We’re all alone.

But, get on social media and start receiving messages, replies, tweets and retweets from hundreds or thousands of patriots and kindred spirits, and suddenly hope is renewed.

To recap:

  1. “A war is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or groups within a nation or state.”

  2. We ARE at war with those who seek to LIMIT the scope and authority of the Constitution.

  3. In a time of war allies band together and fight cohesively and courageously.

  4. In this war, we have the power of new media to amplify our reach and do an end run around Main Stream Media which is hopelessly saturated with Progressives

  5. A call to arms

Remember, we are bloodied but not beaten.

My dad always told me, “I don’t ever want to hear about you starting a fight. But if some bully is determined to pick a fight, you better finish it!”

That advice should be directed at US, patriots who love America and her Constitution.

The bullies are the Progressives/the Marxists who would prefer to remake the Constitution or toss it entirely.

We flyover folks have been busy doing the right thing: raising families, serving our country, paying too much in taxes, working to support ourselves rather than living on the government dole.

The Progressives started this fight. Now it’s our turn to get fired up and finish it.