From Tami Jackson:
The following is actually the notes from a speech I delivered earlier this year, once to a Tea Party group in Phoenix, once to a Republican group in Corvallis, Oregon. People seemed to appreciate the information. And recently I showed the notes to my friend, John Biver, who suggested I publish them.
The Braveheart picture seem applicable: it is one of my two favorite movies and concerns the Scots winning, eventually, what seemed to be an unwinnable war.
So here goes!
Winning the Media War
5 points
- The definition of war
- Who or what are we fighting? History of the opponent
- How an army and nation should act in a time of war
- The weapons we can use
- A call to arms
1. First of all, do we REALLY believe we’re engaged in a war?
“A war is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or groups within a nation or state.”
I submit that there is an ongoing war between those who espouse the Founders’ worldview and revere the Constitution, and those who OPPOSE the Founders’ precepts and would prefer to THROW OFF the constraints of the Constitution.
Since the time of President Wilson and John Dewey, the Progressives have been waging a war of words and ideas, a war intent on overthrowing the Constitutional foundation of America.
The Progressives began with education, then moved to broadcast media, and elsewhere throughout our culture.
And let’s not be fooled by the innocuous term “Progressive,” which was a more palatable word for Communist.
Progressive sounds harmless.
Much like the Progressives call to move “forward” sounds acceptable.
But what do they want to move forward from? And what to they want to move forward to?
Let’s consider John Dewey.
Dewey fashioned his theories of education after the Hegelians.
That term most likely rings a bell.
In 1847 the London Communist League (Marx and Engels) used Hegel’s theory of the dialectic to back up their economic theory of communism.
Hegel’s dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution.
Their solution being, of course, a totalitarian government that makes all decisions for those it rules over.
Dewey subscribed to both naturalist thought (think Darwin) and to Hegel’s Dialectic.
By the way, Common Core IS the contemporary version of Dewey’s dream:
- Common Core does NOT teach critical thinking
- Common Core does not teach phonics
- Common core does teach control and group think
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