Tell Fox News: Drop SPLC’s Wayne Besen

On almost a daily basis Fox News loses credibility, and it seems to me that Bill O’Reilly has “issues” to say the least. The following is from From the Illinois Family Institute—you should sign the letter as I did:

In light of the recent attempted murder of employees at the Family Research Council (FRC), several pro-family organizations, including IFI, and private citizens are asking Fox News to discontinue guest appearances by homosexual agitator Wayne Besen on the popular O’Reilly Factor TV show.

Besen has a long history of slandering conservative groups and the ex-gay community in language that foments hatred and undermines civil discourse.

Last week Fox News reported that Tony Perkins, FRC’s president, blamed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its rhetoric of hateful lies against FRC for helping to create a climate that led to shooter Floyd Corkins’ actions, (attempting to kill conservative Christians at FRC for opposing ‘gay’ marriage).

The SPLC and Wayne Besen are united in demonizing conservative organizations and individuals. Despite repeated complaints about Besen’s appearances, producers of the O’Reilly Factor continue to feature Besen, a radical homosexual activist aligned with the SPLC, as a guest commentator.

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