Examples from another good list by John Hawkins:
Liberalism doesn’t convince with logic. It can’t, because the policies liberals advocate don’t work. So instead, liberals have to use emotion-based ploys and attack the motives of people they disagree with while attempting to keep conservative arguments from being heard at all. Why? Because they have no good answers to questions like these…
- If you believe we have a “right” to things like health care, food, shelter and a good education, then doesn’t that also mean you believe we also have a right to force other people to unwillingly provide those things at gunpoint?
- What exactly is the “fair share” of someone’s income that he’s earned that he should be able to keep?
- If corporations are so awful, greedy and bad for the country, then shouldn’t we be celebrating when they decide to close their plants here and move overseas?
- If Republicans don’t care about the poor, why do studies consistently show that they give more to charity than Democrats do?
- The earth has been warming and cooling for thousands of years with temperature drops and increases that are much larger than the ones we’ve seen over the last century. Since we can’t adequately explain or model those changes, what makes us think we can say with any sort of confidence that global warming is being caused by man?