Kennedy v. Scalia — the culture war on the Supreme Court

WashingtonTimesAn important analysis from Janice Shaw Crouse — here is her subtitle: “Justices’ same-sex marriage clash portends the culture war’s climactic battle.”

The real problem with the Supreme Court marriage decision is buried in the fine print. The dissent written by Justice Antonin Scalia is a resounding rebuttal of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s statement of the majority decision. As columnist Wes Pruden wrote, Justice Kennedy “put everyone who disagrees with him beyond the limits of human decency.” Justice Scalia sounded the alarm by exploring the ramifications of the decision and putting it in context with clarity, realism and a stinging rebuke to those who forced this issue.

It is important to note exactly what the court decided and did not decide. The Supreme Court did not create a constitutional right to same-sex “marriage,” nor did the Supreme Court overrule the laws of those states that have voted to preserve marriage as the lifetime union of one man and one woman.


The state of the culture war can be clearly seen in the “Kennedy v. Scalia” opinion in the Defense of Marriage Act case. Justice Scalia gave us a glimpse into the future by exposing in all its raw bias the motivating rationale of those who seek to legalize same-sex “marriage” across the nation. He boiled it all down for the public: