Kudos to the Washington Times for covering this story. It’s clear to me that most of the “opinion makers” in this country are stuck in a junior high school mentality. Their level of comprehension and intellectual honesty is that of a young teenager whose brain hasn’t yet developed. From the WT article by Peter Sprigg:
Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr called it “reprehensible,” “deplorable” and “disgusting.”
What could trigger such a response? Child sexual abuse by a teacher? Drug dealing in the high schools? A drunk driving accident that killed students?
No – it was a one-page flier distributed to students in several Montgomery County, Md., high schools as part of the “backpack flier” program that helps nonprofit organizations reach students in the schools. The flier included “disgusting” declarations such as, “All individuals deserve the right to self-determination and happiness,” and such “reprehensible” advice as “[I]mportant decisions should not be made on feelings alone.”
The controversy arose not because of its relatively innocuous content, but because of its source: an organization called Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, or PFOX. The flier states, “Every year, thousands of people with unwanted same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave a gay identity,” and asserts that such people should be able to “seek help and information on overcoming their feelings.”