This website has chronicled the sad condition of the Illinois Republican Party for many years. So, what does happen when the Illinois Republican Party is led by corrupt and incompetent people? Homosexual so-called “marriage” happens, that’s what.
Okay, I realize few Americans understand what marriage is or why the government is involved. Few understand what homosexuality is — for this, I’d refer you to the writings of Laurie Higgins (see links below). Fewer still have any conception of what our Founding Fathers referred to as “the First Freedom” (religious liberty) and how that’s impacted by same-sex “marriage.”
What do I keep saying about the need for an informed electorate? That’s what this website focuses on.
There’s an abundance of information available about all of the above as well as what “homosexual marriage” means for Illinois. Here’s just a sampling:
Pro-homosexual agenda arguments are “fact-less, emotional, and based on false premises”
On the First Freedom: Religious Liberty
On the Defense of Marriage, Gender, and Parents
VIDEO: Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About Homosexual Marriage
What same-sex “marriage” has done to Massachusetts
This video isn’t fancy so I’d recommend that you pay attention to the substance and ignore the style. The content is what counts. VIDEO: What ‘homosexual marriage’ did to Massachusetts