VIDEO: Ravi Zacharias Destroys Moral Relativism


When Christian and Atheistic beliefs clash, the question of objective moral standards inevitably comes up. In Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias’s Q & A session, someone from the audience apparently understood the moral relativism that logically follows from Atheism.

Rather than argue that atheism actually does have objective morality, he took a different approach. He didn’t go to natural law, or any of the other assertions atheists normally lean on to support their ethical systems. He went a different route completely.

The questioner asked why it would be so bad if we were all moral relativists. What does it matter? What do we have to fear?

The poor guy didn’t even see it coming.

In his typical quiet dignity, Ravi Zacharias exploded his argument in a simple question only seven words long. He could have stopped there, but then he took time to break down (step-by-step) some of the wrong assumptions in the question.