A Conservative Senator’s 5 Steps to Fix Congress

Here is U.S. Senator Mike Lee writing at The Daily Signal:

After Republicans won a majority in the Senate and maintained their majority in the House in November 2014, I proposed that the two chambers take five modest steps to repair what had become a dysfunctional legislative branch.

This was part of my effort as the recently elected chairman of the Senate Steering Committee to put forward a vision and a plan that would guide the Republican majority toward unity and restore the public’s confidence in Congress.

To recap, the five steps that I proposed to fix Congress were:

  1. Restore trust between Congress and the American people by making the legislative process open and transparent.
  2. Reject crony capitalist policies that use government power to enrich elites at the expense of everyone else.
  3. Pass a budget that balances in ten years without gimmicks, doesn’t raise taxes, and repeals Obamacare.
  4. Don’t just cut spending for government programs, but reform them.
  5. Let committees reclaim their traditional role in crafting legislation.

A little over a year in, I can confidently say that there has been some substantial progress on almost all of these fronts. But I can also say with equal confidence that there is still much work to do.

Read more: The Daily Signal

Image credit: www.townhall.com.