American Christians Express Fear of Federal Government Again

Note: While the economy understandably dominates the news, some of the most un-reported on events involve the threat to our First Amendment guarantee of Religious Freedom. The following is the latest press release from the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, an organization that deserves your attention.

American Christians Express Fear of Federal Government Again

Contact: Dr. Gary Cass, 954-551-9770;

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 5, 2011 — In an annual online poll conducted by DefendChristians.Org, a ministry of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, the surprising number one rated anti-Christian act of 2010 was the threat of the federal government interfering in the employment decisions of ministries.

If passed, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) would have forced ministries to hire people who don’t uphold the faith and values of the organization. For the second straight year it was the policies of the Federal Government that topped the list. In 2009 the Federal Hate Crime law was ranked number one.


1. Employment Non-Discrimination Act; a proposed federal bill that would force ministries to hire people who oppose the beliefs or values of the organization.

2. Vaughn Walker; California judge who overturned Proposition 8, a State Constitutional Marriage Amendment that defined marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

3. Julea Ward and Jennifer Keeton; two women expelled from Master’s programs in counseling at two different universities because they wouldn’t deny their faith and affirm the homosexual lifestyle.

4. Elena Kagan; President Obama’s radical appointment to the Supreme Court bench. While serving under the Clinton Administration, Kagan successfully conspired to twist unfavorable evidence against partial birth abortion to deceive the Supreme Court.

5. Christians denied their civil rights and falsely arrested for disorderly conduct at an annual Arab festival in Michigan for peacefully sharing the gospel. They were falsely arrested in 2009, too.

6. Chai Feldblum; a law professor and open lesbian, appointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Feldblum stated that in any conflict that might arise between religious liberty and homosexual “rights” she would have a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win saying, “Gay’s win; Christians lose.”

7. Stephen Ocean and Tite Sufra; two young men who were murdered in Boynton Beach, Florida while sharing the gospel.

8. Larry Grard; Christian journalist fired from his job for sending an e-mail from his personal account on his own time in support of traditional marriage.

9. Southern Poverty Law Center; A liberal ACLU-like organization that has continued to label many mainstream Christian organizations that hold traditional values as “hate groups” in lists that include violent racists groups.

10. 88 Pro-Lifers were arrested for protesting President Obama’s participation at a commencement ceremony at Notre Dame, a leading Catholic university.