American Resurrection

Here is David Prentice writing at American Thinker:

Easter Week celebrates resurrection. It’s fitting that of all weeks, the signs of the American resurrection championed by Donald Trump are finally beginning to show. There is a book titled Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, Really Bad Day. Let’s change that to the left’s terrible, horrible, really bad week, because an American resurrection is happening.

The week started with the swearing in of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. This portends a potentially sane court policy for years.  Another ideological leftist on the court would have been a disaster. Instead, we have a stabilizing, common sense, intellectually clear judge to countermand the court’s drift to the left. It means we still have a reasonable shot at holding on to being a country of laws, rather than a country of cool personalities with bad ideas. We no longer need to fear the lack of constitutional authority. That’s a big deal. Equally big is how the foolish Democrats tried to filibuster his nomination and lost. This means that the next good Supreme Court nomination by Trump will also sail through. And the next if there is one.

Susan Rice has been unmasked as the unmasker. The revelations of what she did in the spying scandal will now take a front seat. These revelations will be investigated, as they are too big to hide, and the attempts by the prior administration and the deep state to undermine and defeat Trump have failed.

The statistics on illegal immigration are in. Apparently, the wave of illegals has been cut by 70% since Trump’s inauguration. And the Wall doesn’t even exist yet. So much for all those who said we couldn’t halt this illegal flood. ICE is deporting criminals (and leftists are squealing), sanctuary cities are going to lose a lot of funds, Lansing, Michigan, just voted to stop being a sanctuary city, overcoming their foolish mayor. With Jeff Sessions at the DOJ, Trump being the Wall, with sanctuary cities losing power, money, and steam, the American resurrection now has more than a fighting chance. It is going to be fashionable to be a proud American patriot once again.

Read more: American Thinker