The Anti-Christian Movement

Here is E.M. Cadwaladr writing about today’s version of the anti-Christian movement:

I used to be an atheist. My understanding of “atheism” was simply that it is the belief that there is no God. I was an empiricist: I believed in what could be seen — the material world and nothing more. I did not hate Christians. At worst, I thought they were naïve and foolish for their religious beliefs, but I knew many Christians I respected, including for their insight and intelligence.

Today, “atheism” means something entirely different from a simple lack of belief in God. What atheism has become can be more accurately described as “the anti-Christian movement.” It is a movement that assumes that Christianity isn’t merely naïve and false, but a major cause of social ills, something worth the effort to actively ferret out and purge from our society. This anti-Christian crusade has been both supported by, and a natural outgrowth of, the much larger program of cultural Marxism.

Anti-clericalism is nothing new, but many atheists of the past were at least coherent. They believed that the complex triune God of Christianity was silly, but they didn’t think Shiva, Allah, or Zeus was any better. Like me, they simply believed in the here and now and not in the unseen and scientifically unverifiable. The new atheists are different. They are not really bound by cold, materialist, scientific facts. Although they claim that science and reason are on their side, they often are not very knowledgeable about either. More often, they are interested only in co-opting the human authority science has acquired. Science is a brand for today’s atheists, not a discipline. The new atheism is generally forgiving toward Hinduism and can be almost reverent regarding Buddhism. While I grant that Buddhism is essentially godless, it’s a long way from being a collection of empirical facts. Buddha’s claims are certainly no more objectively verifiable than Christ’s. Nirvana is no easier to find on a star chart than the Christian Heaven.

Read more: American Thinker

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