Excerpts from a great post by Christopher Chantrill:
[T]he future looks daunting. Conservatives don’t get to order the culture around: we don’t run the mainstream media; we don’t run the schools; we “need not apply” to the professoriate. What chance do we have against the liberal culture machine?
But that’s why God invented moral movements. The anti-slavery movement was an embarrassment, until it won. The anti-communists were an embarrassment, until they won. Many Republican politicians experience the pro-life movement as embarrassing. Not to mention the home-school movement and the marriage movement. The powerful people think of them as fringe, as not serious. “The truth is nothing serious is deemed serious in Washington,” says Bobby Jindal.
The truth is that all the great turns in American history have been driven by moral movements. Think of the Great Awakening that riled people up for the American Revolution.
The great untold story of recent America is the conservative movements of rejection. In the late 1960s, after three of their finest stopped assassins’ bullets, liberals started on gun control. Ten years later the NRA had transformed itself from a rifle club into a Second Amendment movement. In 1972 Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment. Then God created Phyllis Schlafly. In 1973 liberals passed Roe v. Wade; now we have a great pro-life movement. In 2010 liberals passed Obamacare; now we have the Tea Party. Today liberals are trying to end marriage as we know it with gay marriage at bat and polyamory on deck. Who knows what the pro-marriage movement will look like in 20 years? […]
[T]here are genuine conservative movements of rejection quietly organizing and building. And they ain’t going away.