One of Bill Cosby’s best-loved routines is “Tonsils.”
Mr. Cosby relates how the doctor explained the need for surgery when he was a young boy. “Your tonsils guard your throat,” the doc says. “They have hand grenades, bazookas and anything bad that comes into your mouth, they fight it off. In your case, your tonsils have lost the war. As a matter of fact, they’ve gone so far as to join the other side, and they’re going to kill you if we don’t cut ‘em out.”
Watching the Republican Party establishment wage war on the Tea Party and social conservatives, it feels a lot like Mr. Cosby’s scenario. If the GOP abandons its commitment to traditional values in pursuit of the ever-transient “youth vote,” it will become the equivalent of infected tonsils. The party will cease to be an effective voice against moral and fiscal collapse, and will help facilitate America’s demise.
I’m hearing more and more people ask whether America is over. They say the moral rot and feckless “opposition” is landing us in a pit from which we will not escape because we no longer have the God-given values that sustained America through a civil war, a Depression and two world wars.Pessimism to the point of paralysis is not the answer, despite the media’s assurance that we’re doomed to live in a socialist version of Sodom and Gomorrah. Thousands of Tea Parties all over America, plus a growing number of churches, are organizing and educating Americans about real constitutional rights. They will be a huge factor in the 2014 elections and beyond.
When the GOP is serious about regaining credibility, party leaders may want to attend some Tea Party meetings. Watching them work to save the country despite the betrayals by the infected tonsils, they could learn something about American character.