Cutting Free the Totalitarian Left’s ‘BarbWire’

Matt Barber formerly introduces

This past week I, along with a group of fellow Christians, embarked on a new venture. In partnership with Liberty Alliance, LLC — the No. 1 ranked conservative media conglomerate, according to Inc. Magazine — launched

Literally within minutes of the wire going live, the sin-obsessed left swooped in like a swarm of hate-filled locusts (more on that below).

I will, of course, continue my regular weekly exclusive column at WND, but I’m pretty excited about this new endeavor as well.

BarbWire’s “about” page explains our mission: is a motley mix of breaking news, intelligent cultural analysis, political pontification and cutting-edge opinion — all fueled by the Word of Life.

If you’re comfortable under deception, prepare to be made uncomfortable. We’re cutting free the totalitarian left’s barbwire.

Relativists beware: Truth told here.

It never ceases to amaze me how the self-described champions of “tolerance” and “diversity” always prove to be the most intolerant and hateful among us. With BarbWire just a few hours old, we immediately began getting fan mail from the ever-”tolerant” left.

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