Defeating Progressive Ideology

Here is Arnold Ahlert writing at Patriot Post about defeating the progressives:

Nothing facilitates forced subservience to the Left’s noxious way of thinking more than political correctness.

“Since the principles undergirding America’s founding are beyond mortal law, they are beyond the reach of the progressives and the administrative state. Hence the war on the founding values, beliefs, and traditions was and is intended to, among other things, stop legitimate inquiry into and teaching of first principles or purposes. They are to be made intellectually and culturally off-limits. Consequently, what is left is only one acceptable and overarching agenda — the progressive agenda.” —Mark Levin, from his book, Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism

Perhaps nothing is more toxic than a progressive ideology that has become the default position that millions of unwilling people are expected to oblige. And nothing facilitates that forced subservience more than political correctness.

Yet what, precisely, is political correctness? It is totalitarianism — promoted as morality.

Thus one is not merely wrong for challenging the progressive status quo on same-sex marriage, transgenderism, “white privilege,” illegal immigration, global warming, “hate speech,” or a host of other leftist causes. One is evil, and the “appropriate” label defining what particular evil is applied: homophobic, transphobic, racist, nativist, anti-science, fascist, etc.

Labeling one as evil as opposed to wrong is critical. Wrong leaves room for debate. Evil makes debate unnecessary — and entrenches the progressive default position as a result.

It is an ever-expanding entrenchment. “Words can have a powerful effect on your nervous system,” insists Northeastern University psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett. “Certain types of adversity, even those involving no physical contact, can make you sick, alter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.”

Read more: Patriot Post

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