Global Warming Is Not Damaging Our World — The Global Warming Movement Is

By Jay Lehr:

For many of the entities driving the global warming debate, the goal has never been about climate. Their long-term goal is to unite the world under a single socialistic government in which there is no capitalism, no democracy, and, ultimately, no freedom. United Nations’ treaties such as the Paris Agreement on climate change are the flagships of the global governance agenda. By controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, they are in fact controlling the world’s energy since over 80% of our energy comes from CO2-emitting fossil fuels. And controlling the world’s energy effectively controls the world.

Individual freedom is fueled by access to affordable energy. So, for those seeking global governance, a shorter-term goal has become to limit the amount of energy that is available and place it under government control. The wide availability of inexpensive fossil fuels is a serious obstacle to this vision.

Read more: Townhall