Michael Youssef at Townhall.com is correct:
In my book, “When the Crosses are Gone,” I warn that when a culture abandons thinking and logic in favor of feelings and emotions, it is doomed to destruction. Although emotions are a very important part of the human psyche, when they control every aspect of life, morality becomes a victim.
Today, there is widespread agreement that morality in America is deteriorating with breathtaking speed.
On one hand, we face a belligerent and intimidating lobby that desires the breakdown of biblical morality. On the other hand, a docile public—as well as church leadership—is terrified to stand up for truth lest it provoke the false accusation of bigotry, intolerance, and all sorts of phobias.
That deadly combination, which threatens to take us into the very abyss, is far more dangerous and everlasting than any “fiscal cliff” crisis. I’m not minimizing the potential for an economic collapse that the US, and the entire world, is facing. But that collapse itself is also related to our abandonment of biblical morality.