Nicely said by Christopher Adamo:
[T]he GOP has long been plagued with cowards in its midst who would rather avoid those messy “social issues,” and especially any reference to the Judeo-Christian ethic that defines them. Adherents to this mindset have existed under various titles. For many years, those who sought to advance their political careers within the Republican Party while identifying with the ideologies of the Democrats were able to legitimize their duplicity under the banner of “moderates.” But since the grim reality of that scheme has been unmasked of late, they have been forced to become more creative.
So now they accredit themselves with such noble sounding terms as “Fiscally Conservative” which means in reality that they believe they can somehow preside over the current societal decay without incurring any of its exorbitant and unavoidable costs. And these individuals, almost without fail, have been reliable collaborators with the Democrats, helping liberal agenda items across the finish line and betraying the GOP at critical moments in defining debates.