Laurie Higgins Responds to Trib Op/Ed on Cardinal George

One of the pleasures of life is watching Laurie Higgins reveal how ignorant and/or dishonest folks like those on the Chicago Tribune editorial board really are.

On Friday, Dec. 30, 2011, the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board published their opinion of Cardinal Francis George’s comments on Chicago’s “gay pride” parade. Referring to Cardinal George’s hope that the “gay liberation movement” would not “morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan, demonstrating in the streets against Catholicism,” the editors used the adjective “bizarre.”

The board’s characterization of his analogy as “bizarre” reveals several things: It reveals the editorial board’s obvious and increasingly strident liberal bent; it reveals that they, like many homosexual activists, possess an obtuseness when it comes to analogies; and it reveals their ignorance of the views and rhetoric of many within the “gay liberation” movement.

As I wrote last week, in expressing his hope that the “gay liberation movement” would not “morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan, demonstrating in the streets against the Catholicism,” Cardinal George was comparing the anti-Catholic rhetoric and offensive parades of the KKK to the anti-Catholic rhetoric and offensive parades of the “gay liberation” movement.

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