Liberals can’t break a tough and focused Trump

By Rick Hayes:

President Trump is currently on a roll, fulfilling one campaign promise after another, turning the economy around and making significant advances on the international stage regarding North Korea, Israel, and Iran. But you would never know it if you followed only the mainstream media.

While Trump was busy bringing down the unemployment rate to record lows, CNN was focusing on the credibility of a prostitute who allegedly accepted hush money so she wouldn’t speak to the media. As Trump prepared to enter a meeting with North Korea after the successful release of three hostages, CNN was busy covering Mueller’s never-ending, unethical, and disgraceful investigation into “Russian collusion.” The fake news coverage on Trump has become so outrageously biased that entire news segments are sometimes dedicated not to anything Trump actually did, but to hypotheticals. Pure baseless speculation is allowed to pass as news on the part of the corrupt media, where nothing is too outrageous or out of bounds if intended to hurt Trump.

Read more: American Thinker