Mark Levin on Our Desperate State

Here is John Dale Dunn writing about what results when conservatives fail to effectively fight the information war — a desperate state:

I read and agree with Mark Levin, lawyer, former Reagan DOJ official, now radio conservative commentator and author, that his most recent book, Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism (2017) is probably his best. In this book, Levin exhibits an extraordinary level of scholarship and insight on matters of political philosophy, sociology, ideology, pedagogy, history, and politics. His other books are excellent; this book is just better.

Every one of Levin’s books is insightful and eloquent in exposing the insanity of the international and domestic socialist scam and describing what to do about it. Levin always explains the superiority of a limited and just government by consent of the governed as one that preserves individual freedom and liberty, protects property rights, and preserves the polity’s traditional morals. That established, Levin explains the nature of the enemies of Americanism and the appropriate reaction or counter-action to those arrayed against the traditionalist-constitutionalist-conservative citizens of the nation. For two decades, Levin has been involved in professional activities and advocacy to bring interested parties up to speed on the foundation of the United States, the role of the judiciary, the problems of the expanding social welfare administrative state, and why the American success story faces a crisis created by a socialist ideological malignancy promoted by the chattering class.

This new book is an excellent and thoroughgoing exegesis of the American phenomenon of limited representative government with respect for private property and individual liberty. It’s also a siren call that names names and explains the theories and the unfortunate successes of domestic and foreign enemies of the American Experiment prominent in the 19th and 20th centuries, in particular, which have brought us to a critical and dangerous point.

Read more: American Thinker