Note the three videos below — they were embedded in an article by Mark Eckel over at The Federalist, which takes yet another tack in trying to get the anti-Second Amendment crowd to open their minds. Here is how Eckel’s article opens — I encourage you to follow the link below and read it in its entirety:
NPR reports that modern gun-control laws were first legislated as action against African-Americans. Karen Grigsby Bates of NPR’s Code Switch team found many African-Americans believe owning guns is crucial to protecting themselves and their rights.
In 1968, The Black Panthers marched on the California statehouse with loaded weapons: “Shocked lawmakers made carrying loaded firearms illegal. And in 1968, after several urban riots, the Federal Gun Control Act was passed, which attempted to ban the sale of cheap handguns. What that did, said Robert Cottrol, a law professor at George Washington University, is to leave black residents in high-crime areas vulnerable.” Notice that the powerful made the people powerless. Injustice comes in many forms.
All people desire freedom coupled with safety to secure their homes and neighborhoods. Gun ownership by law-abiding citizens stems the tide of crime in any municipality.
People do not purchase weapons based on fear. It is those who fear gun ownership who call for gun control. The call for “responsible gun ownership” is simply twisting words of those who want to declare an “enemy” of gun owners.
I submit that gun ownership is nothing more than an act of love. Let me explain.
It demonstrates love of law. America is a nation of laws. Laws protect the responsible purchase and possession of firearms by peaceful, law-abiding citizens. David Clarke, the sheriff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has said simply “Take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm.”
Read more: The Federalist