Conservatives have failed so miserably in the information war that this line could be spoken by a policy analyst: “For many of these [government employee] pensioners they’re already recouping all of their contributions barely over a year of retirement. They’ve already made that money back.” That’s Taxpayers United of America’s Jared Labell in the interview excerpted below.
Things will never improve fiscally or economically until conservatives get serious about reaching more of their fellow citizens about the horrendous facts about things like the legalized-theft public employee pension systems. People need to hear the message, and then be rallied into action:
Taxpayers United of America’s Executive Director, Jared Labell, was interviewed by Illinois News Network about TUA’s 10th Annual Report on Illinois State Pensions and the crushing financial impact the unfunded pensions have on Illinois’ taxpayers.
A taxpayer group has some fixes they say are severe but necessary to shore up the state’s growing unfunded pension liability.
Taxpayers United of America released their 10th Annual Report on Illinois State Pensions. The highlights include more than 15,600 state pensioners collecting more than $100,000 annually. More than 92,300 pensioners make more than $50,000 annually.
Taxpayers United of America Executive Director Jared Labell said for the top 400 pensioners the average pension contributions made over an entire career is only about $40,000 more than what the average annual pension is.
“For many of these pensioners they’re already recouping all of their contributions barely over a year of retirement. They’ve already made that money back,” Labell said.
Read more: Taxpayers United of America
Here’s a link to another post over at the Taxpayers United of America website:
Chicago Teacher Pensions Exacerbate City’s Property Tax Hikes
“The pension fund’s own analysis states that in the past decade, the number of retired and vested members now exceed active contributors. Government pension payments to CTPF beneficiaries have increased 77% in the last ten years, jumping from $751 million in 2006 to $1.3 billion in 2015. During that same period of time, the total annual return on investments swung as low as -22% in 2009 and as high as 24.8% in 2011,” said [Jared] Labell.
Read more: Taxpayers United of America
Image credit: Illinois Policy Institute.