Government Employee Pensions/Pay

Heartland Institute Study: Government employees can’t do math

By John Biver

Balancing a budget in today’s America is evidently too much to ask of our political parties because it causes much screaming from the old media and taxeating interest groups. Likewise, the notion of setting up a pension plan that actually makes fiscal sense is evidently also beyond the capacity of those we elect.

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“Plunder!” is a book worth your time (Part 2)

By John Biver

Early on in the book Greenhut makes a simple point: “Government work should not be honored above other forms of work.” He asks, “do we really want a society where there are such large disparities in retirement living between government workers and the people who pay their salaries?”

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“Plunder!” is a book worth your time (Part 1)

By John Biver

Steven Greenhut’s book should be read by anyone trying to figure out how in the world the federal, state, and local governments have made such a mess. The title and subtitle are: “Plunder! How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives, and Bankrupting The Nation.”

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Give ’em a million, save a billion

By Bill Zettler

Editor’s note: Bill Zettler wrote the following in late 2005, and his work was picked up by both the Heartland Institute and the National Center for Policy Analysis. Four and a half years later the…

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Governor Pat Quinn and the $400 million

By Bill Zettler

Quinn: Pension Reform Will Save $400 Million in 2011. Zettler: Pension Deficit Will Increase More than $50 Billion by 2014. Governor Pat Quinn signed the pension reform bill and immediately claimed the new law…

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