The American Psychiatric Association cannot be cited as a reputable, non-biased source

APAThe following links were compiled by Jason Salamone.

To quote a friend of mine: “People don’t like being lied to or deceived. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is still constantly cited in the courtrooms by homosexual activists. People need to learn that they were duped into believing the APA was a legitimate neutral scientific organization.”

“Respectfully, the APA cannot be cited as a neutral or scientific organization. It is an organization run by homosexual activists and has been since the 1970s. In 1973 the APA removed homosexuality from its list of disorders and did so not by any scientific means; only 1/4 of doctors voted — “militant homosexual activist groups continued to attack any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to present his findings as to the [mental disorder] of homosexuality before national or local meetings.

Mainstream psychiatry and psychology has been thoroughly compromised by homosexual activists and sympathizing ideologues. “Homosexuality” was removed from the DSM list of disorders in 1973 as a result of homosexual activist coercion, bullying, threats in 1973, and not based on any scientifically objective decisions. At the 1978 annual APA (American Psychiatric Association) meeting, a formal structure was adopted for the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Caucus of the American Psychiatric Association, which is now named the Association of  Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists (AGLP). In 1978, an official APA Task Force on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues was established, which was given formal status as a standing committee in 1981. The following year the Assembly, APA’s legislative branch, approved adding elected representatives from a group initially designatedas the Caucus of Homosexually Identified Psychiatrists, and later renamed the Caucus of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual psychiatrists. The Caucus is still active in the APA Assembly.

The homosexual activist caucus even has divisions set up throughout the country…

Since its founding, AGLP with a membership of over 600 psychiatrists, has been active in helping to shape the dramatic conceptual shift in the cultural understanding and significance of homosexual behavior within psychiatry and within society. With the support of AGLP members, the APA has abandoned its own Leona Tyler principle and has issued political position statements supporting same sex unions and the adoption and co-parenting of children by same sex couple (, as well as a position statement opposing “Reparative Therapy” as unethical,” ( -%E2%80%93-part-2/), which hasn’t been categorically proven.

Nothing objectively scientific or neutral here folks. Any APA accredited therapist who specializes in issue of “gender” and “sexuality” are nothing but ideologues of the homosexual activist bias.

Based on this evidence, it’s important to point out that the American Academy of Pediatrics cannot be trusted either, because it simply gets all their info and policy statements about homosexuality from the APA…

The American Medical Association (AMA) also has homosexual activists on their board of directors/advisory committee…

The American Sociological Association also has an a homosexual activist caucus…

Mainstream medical and psychological organizations have been thoroughly infiltrated and politicized by leftist think-tanks with emphasis on homosexual activism.