The Mainstream Media and Its Ignorance on Marriage

From Laurie Higgins:

Here are some other truths of which [the Chicago Tribune’s Eric] Zorn (and scores of foolish Americans like him) seems profoundly ignorant:

  • Homosexuality per se bears no points of correspondence to skin color. In other words, they are not analogous. 
  • Legalized same-sex “marriage” per se bears no points of correspondence to interracial marriage. In other words, they are not analogous. 
  • The belief that marriage is inherently sexually complementary is no more hateful than the belief that marriage is inherently binary. 
  • The government’s legal recognition of only sexually complementary unions as marriages no more denies citizens the “right” to marry than does the government’s legal recognition of only unions between two people not closely related by blood denies citizens the right to marry. 
  • Claiming that marriage is solely about who loves whom with no connection to reproductive potential  necessarily means legalizing plural marriages and incestuous marriages. Actually, if marriage is solely constituted by the presence of intense loving feelings with no connection to reproductive potential, then there is no reason for government involvement at all. The government has zero vested interest in recognizing, affirming, regulating, or promoting deeply loving inherently non-reproductive types of relationships. There is no more government interest or public value in affirming and recognizing as marriages those sterile homoerotic unions than there is in affirming other deeply loving relationships like platonic friendships. Homosexual couples cannot suddenly justify their unions as “marriages” simply based on the presence of children, because they’ve already argued that marriage has no connection to children. There are many people in all sorts of relationship configurations that are raising children. If it’s the mere presence of children that makes a union deserving of being called a “marriage,” then any two or more people raising children together should be allowed to marry—or at least any two or more who really love each other.

Read more: Illinois Family Institute