From David Limbaugh at
What right-minded person can deny the current uncanny applicability of the admonition by the Prophet Isaiah, uttered some 2,700 years ago, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness”?
Increasingly today, what is undeniably evil is depicted as good and what most traditionalists, at least, used to agree is good passes often for evil.
What’s striking to me is that many aren’t merely rationalizing evil in an attempt to excuse their indefensible actions. They have systematically turned our entire moral code upside down. They have attacked the very basis for that code and declared that belief in its divine author itself is evil — and dangerous.
Many deny that there is an affirmative war against Christianity and Judeo-Christian values, but they apparently haven’t heard or read the words of some of the New Atheists — or anti-theists, as some call themselves — who conflate all religions and blame them all for most of the evil and war in the world.
Others scoff at the notion that Christianity and Christian values are being assaulted, arguing that it’s absurd to believe a majority belief system could be under attack.
Let me share just three disturbing stories that caught my attention the past few days.