While there are a lot of distressing things in the news these days (as always), there are plenty of angles taken on those news items that make me have to laugh. This is one good example. Enjoy…
As Wisconsin government workers protest, Governor Walker spends more on the needy and sick.
When Wisconsin governor Scott Walker introduced his plan to scale back the collective bargaining power of public unions last year, liberals around the state ran to their thesauruses. They accused Walker of “attacking,” “assaulting,” and “assailing” the public and called him a “dictator” and a “despot,” trying to cast him as a sort of governmental Nosferatu sucking public services away from those who needed them. United Wisconsin, the group responsible for organizing an attempt to recall Walker from office, accused the governor of “balancing the budget on the backs of the people.” The numbers, however, tell exactly the opposite story: the governor is allocating more money to those who need the most help.