2006-25 Conservative Direction: GOP
WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Wisconsin at the local, district, and state level at the Convention, has passed numerous resolutions of a conservative nature; favoring a smaller less intrusive government, a right to bear arms, and a directive to secure our borders, etc.; and
WHEREAS, these resolutions are the direction that the people of the party want their representatives to adhere to; and
WHEREAS, the people of the party recognize that while they cannot compel their representatives to vote in this manner, they can and do expect them to.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled, urge the Republican Party to withhold all promotional and financial support of those candidates that do not consistently subscribe to this overall conservative agenda, be they incumbent or new candidates, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party actively and vigorously seek candidates that will go in this conservative direction, and respect the wishes of party members.2006-08 TaxesWHEREAS, Wisconsin remains in the top five in income taxes in the country and in the top ten in property taxes in the country while being thirty-third in personal income in the country; andWHEREAS, high and punitive rates of taxation impede growth and discourage businesses from doing business in Wisconsin; and
WHEREAS, high taxes stifle economic growth, discourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and diminish an individual’s ability to realize the American dream; and
WHEREAS Wisconsin taxpayers have been provided with little or no legislative protection from referenda presented to voters without complete financial information; and
WHEREAS the Taxpayer Protection Amendment (TPA) limits the amount of revenue that the state or special purpose district, school district, technical college district, county, city, village, or town may receive in a given year, thereby limiting their spending; and
WHEREAS, we support the following principles:
1. Annual state and local spending growth be limited to the rate of population growth and inflation.
2. Excess revenues collected above this limit should be used to create a budget stabilization fund, an emergency fund and refunded to the taxpayers.
3. Tax increases should only be enacted by the people’s vote:NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled:
A. Supports the Taxpayer Protection Amendment and urges its adoption, and
B. Urges the repeal of taxes imposed on estate, gifts, capital gains, interest and dividends, and
C. Recommends passage of a federal constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget (excluding the Social Security Trust Fund from the general federal budget) with exceptions for national emergencies, and
D. Urges the state governments not to pass any unfunded mandates, and
E. Urges the congress to make the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent, and
F. Opposes the county sales tax and the exercise of any other local tax option without referendum, and
G. Supports requiring a “super majority” (2/3 vote) at the national and state levels to raise taxes, and
H. Directs the congress, the state legislature, the county, town, village, technical college, special district, and school boards and city councils to reduce spending, and
I. Proposes that our entire federal tax code be sun-setted and replaced with a simpler, fairer tax system.
What a State Republican Party looks like
Check out the “2006 Convention Resolutions” page of the Wisconsin Republican Party’s website. The contrast between Wisconsin’s and Illinois’ state GOP is the difference between strong resolutions and rigged elections.
If you ever wondered why a state like Wisconsin is becoming more “red” and why Illinois is turning a deeper shade of “blue” – look no further than the differences between their state conventions.
We all know what the IRP’s state conventions have been about in the past – protecting the interests of Thompson, Edgar, Ryan, Topinka, Kjellander and crew. Well take a look at the resolutions passed at Wisconsin’s state convention in 2006 and you’ll see why they are becoming more Republican.
Wisconsin, like most Republican State Party’s, holds a state convention every year. Illinois holds one every four.
Below are just two examples of the many resolutions they passed: