Republicans and conservatives are pathetic — they continue to allow leftists to control most of the institutions that convey information to the vast majority of Americans. Here’s Matt Vespa giving a nice example of our side’s failure:
In VIP, we noted how Bill Clinton is earning his “slick Willy” moniker regarding the latest bombshell from the trove of Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell documents that unsealed last week. That being former President Bill Clinton being spotted on Epstein’s infamous pedophile island. Of course, the Clinton camp denies the former president was ever there, but Maxwell has alleged that there are tapes of two prominent politicians having sex with minors. Maxwell, Epstein’s alleged partner in coordinating these depraved sex acts with underage girls, was recently arrested by federal authorities, denied bail, and being held in the same federal facility as Epstein before his highly suspicious suicide. With three passports and numerous accounts with millions of dollars, she’s a flight risk. She’s reportedly been given paper clothes to prevent self-harm…
till, the former president being spotted on the island with minors That seems like at least something to look into, right? Epstein was a Clinton ally. He was connected with some of the world’s richest, most powerful families. To simply put it, there’s definitely a motive regarding seeing both Epstein and Maxwell be put six feet under. I’m not saying that’s what happened to Epstein, though the circumstances surrounding his death are amazingly irregular, almost a perfect alignment of events and actions that would make way for his death. Anyways, the point is he’s gone. And with these new documents, you’d think there would be at least some mention on the mainstream circuits. We’re not expecting much, but it’s been quiet. I mean, like German U-Boats in the Black Pit silence. Nothing. They’re suffocating this story with a pillow and those who do report on it barely give it the light of day. Is it shocking? No. Is it expected from these clowns? Yes. A former president was seen dabbling on some debauched island with an indicted child sex trafficker. That seems…like a problem (via Fourth Watch) [emphasis mine]…
Read more: Townhall
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