Articles like this are becoming more prevelant every day. From LifeSiteNews:
A Maryland couple is allowing their six-year-old daughter, Kathryn, to live as a boy, and are preparing her for eventual hormone therapy after they say that she demanded the change and it was sanctioned by a psychiatrist.
The Washington Post reports that Kathryn’s parents, Jean and Stephen, became worried when, at two years old, Kathryn began telling them she was a boy. When the little girl’s mother tried to convince her that she was a girl by showing her pictures of the difference between boys and girls when she was three, the toddler reportedly replied, “When did you change me?”
When Kathryn was five the parents took her to see Michele Angello, a “clinical sexologist” who specializes in “transgender issues” and whose practice “is made up of people who identify as transgender, gender-variant, genderqueer or a variety of other self-identifications.”
Angello told the parents that Kathryn, who had been allowed by this time to call herself Tyler, had “gender dysphoria” and that she should be allowed to live as a boy.
Gender identity disorder (GID) is recognized as a psychiatric condition by the American Psychiatric Association.
The APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was revised in May to replace the term “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria.”