’s John Hawkins sure doesn’t hold back with this list:
Is every liberal an immoral, nasty tempered, habitual liar who accuses people of racism for fun and trashes his own country because he thinks it makes him look sophisticated? Of course, not! On the other hand, is that a fairly accurate description of most liberals in politics? Yes, it is. Most of them aren’t evil per se, but as Margaret Thatcher said,
“Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag.”
Liberals view themselves as good people because they’re liberals. People who are outside of that ugly little bit of circular reasoning don’t have such a benign view of their horrible behavior. So, what reason could you have to dislike liberals?
My top 5 from John’s list…
5) The same people who voted Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama into office think they’re smarter than tradition, the Founding Fathers and God Himself.11) The dumbest, most close-minded and mean spirited people in all of politics are inevitably liberals who are convinced they’re brilliant, open-minded and compassionate because they call themselves liberals.
12) A policy that makes liberals feel superior and caring that doesn’t work and wastes billions is considered a smashing success because they genuinely DON’T CARE WHETHER THEIR POLICIES ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE OR NOT.
14) There’s a reason why the average homeschooled kid gets a better education than he would in a public school run by liberals. It’s because the kid’s parents are interested in educating him while his liberal teachers view public schools as just another way to indoctrinate children.
21) The average middle aged Tea Partier who’s going to rallies, talking about the Constitution and calling for reduced spending cares more about “the children” than 99% of the liberals out there who demand that we support one stupid program after the other “for the children.”23) Because liberals are unable to ever admit they’re wrong, they systematically ruin and destroy everything they become involved with and then either point the finger elsewhere or demand even more government involvement to fix the problems they created.
24) Detroit – and, yes, liberals did that.