You can read about Mitt Romney’s confusion regarding the First Amendment’s protection of our God-given religious liberties in this article. He thinks Obamacare’s waver is different than “non discrimination” laws. Sorry, folks, but that’s frighteningly stupid for a man who will probably be the next president.
You can read about Barack Obama’s ignorance on the issue in this article. It’s typical of the left’s half-wit approach to everything.
Both men—Romney especially—need to stop listening to dumb consultants and their own thoughts and study the booklet published by Liberty Council:
Liberty Counsel Sending Religious Freedom Handbook to Every Public School in America
Liberty Counsel has sponsors for 99,750 copies of the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” — one for literally every public school in America! The vast majority of these Handbooks have already been delivered to principals, vice principals, assistant principals, or other senior administrators, and the few remaining schools will receive this powerful resource within the next few days.
Based on Liberty Counsel’s extensive experience defending educators, students, administrators, and community members against the ACLU and other radical activists, this invaluable resource is the go-to guide whenever there is an issue involving the free exercise of religion in public schools.
Over the past few years, Liberty Counsel has seen a surge of complaints from school administrators, educators, and students, whose rights were egregiously violated by those who use public education to indoctrinate their radical, secular ideas. Secular activists attempt to remove religious expression from our public schools, indoctrinate students in alternative lifestyles, and bully through intimidation and blatant misrepresentation. To be proactive in countering this growing threat, Liberty Counsel developed and distributed the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.”
This booklet clarifies the rights of students to pray, form Bible clubs, and engage in religious expression in public schools, including holiday celebrations and the rights of teachers, parents, and guardians. “The public school is not a faith-free zone,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Students need not leave their spiritual beliefs on the schoolhouse steps. Liberty Counsel is here to educate and, if need be, litigate to defend their First Amendment rights.”
Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics.