Margaret Thatcher on Socialism: 20 of Her Best Quotes
By Lawrence W. Reed : In 1979, the Iron Lady assumed the premiership of a country riven with labor strife, racked by stagflation and run down by decades of nanny government.
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By Lawrence W. Reed : In 1979, the Iron Lady assumed the premiership of a country riven with labor strife, racked by stagflation and run down by decades of nanny government.
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Read MoreBy Paul Bedard
Read MoreCommentator Tom Blumer writes: “Word has it that establishment Republicans are nearly in panic. They fear that their 2016 presidential fave, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, has become so tarnished by Bridgegate that his…
Read MoreObama supporters and Romney haters didn’t want to believe what some of us knew a year ago — the unemployment number that came out just before the 2012 election was a load of garbage….
Read MoreFrom Chad Stafko at American Thinker: So you voted for Barack Obama back in 2008, and perhaps you helped to re-elect him in 2012. How’s that working out for you? Chances are, not well….
Read MoreFrom Steve McCann: Not since 1984 and the landslide victory of Ronald Reagan have the Republicans had a more winnable election than the 2012 presidential election. Yet the Republican Establishment managed to lose to…
Read MoreGary Bauer makes a great point over at Human Events: The Republican coalition is often described as a three-legged stool made up of foreign policy, social issue and fiscal conservatives. It’s an apt metaphor…
Read MoreThis is really good if you’ve got an hour…
Read MoreIf you haven’t read a spiritual critique of the state of the nation lately, the following by Louie Verrecchio should suffice: In the days following last week’s U.S. presidential election, a staggering amount of…
Read MoreHere’s someone else saying what I’m saying — Laura Hollis from We have been trying to fight this battle every four years at the voting booth. It is long past time we admit…
Read MoreFrom Erick Erickson at (and “rich idiots” is right): When consultants told rich donors who were funding them that they were not making money off the Super PAC’s that the rich idiots ….
Read MoreFrom Speaking at The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s “Restoration Weekend” in Florida on November 16, Pat Caddell indicted what he called the Republican “consultant-lobbyist-establishment” complex for losing a presidential campaign in 2012 President…
Read MoreFrom Byron York: After moments of panic in the immediate aftermath of Mitt Romney’s defeat, some Republicans and conservatives are regaining their equilibrium on the issue of what the GOP should do about immigration…
Read MoreThis is what our candidates need to sound like — strong and straightforward. Don’t tell me we won’t attract more supporters if they do. Here’s Bill Whittle at a David Horowitz event, watch it…
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