Are you looking for timely Republican news to arrive in your inbox every day? You might consider subscribing to Dave Diersen’s daily email news digest – it’s not only the state’s most comprehensive newsletter delivered to your email inbox – it’s free!
Wheaton resident Dave Diersen is a retired federal government employee who has been the Illinois editor at since 2000. In 2005 he began publishing his “Diersen Digest,” an impressive compilation of news and commentary links. The Digest is posted at three different places on the web, including Diersen’s own page at and is emailed out to everyone who subscribes.
Dave opens each newsletter with the salutation “Fellow Republicans,” and on some news-heavy days Diersen has both a morning and evening edition. That can add up to a lot of information delivered to your inbox all in one email. Over the past decade plus, he has linked to 200,000 internet postings and information – and he has done it free of charge.
Dave is not shy about adding his own brief commentary into the mix, including his popular “Diersen Headlines,” which lets you know what he really thinks about a news item or event. Often, his headlines are humorous. Here’s a recent one adorning a USA Today editorial about a Supreme Court case on redistricting: “DIERSEN HEADLINE: USA TODAY promotes the Democrat Party’s position on voting, that is, USA TODAY promotes the Democrat Party.”
One of Diersen emails recently included over one hundred articles that day, with fifty different sources represented.
While Dave offers the service for free, he bears the time burden, as well as the cost of many newspaper subscriptions – seven of which show up on his doorstep every weekday. Why doesn’t he charge for the newsletter?
“He who pays the piper calls the tune,” Dave says. If he doesn’t charge, he can ignore complaints about his stated bias: he posts “information to help elect candidates who can defend and advance the Republican Party Platform.”
If you don’t like it, don’t subscribe.
Dave has received attention around the state for his efforts, including in a column by Bernard Schoenburg, the political reporter for the Springfield-based newspaper the State-Journal Register. Schoenburg referenced Diersen’s “pointed comments,” but noted that being deterred by them causes one to miss “a treasure of links to the day’s news and opinion.”
Dave Diersen’s passion is getting information to people, and to do so he voluntarily devotes many hours every day to put together his newsletter. Dave also serves as a Republican Precinct Committeeman in Milton Township, in suburban DuPage County.
Dave includes his impressive bio and states his political bias at the end of each email. As Bernard Schoenburg wrote, “Agree or disagree with him, but Diersen provides a bunch of interesting information — every day.”
To subscribe, visit and click on the subscribe tab in the left column.